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God's Omniscience
study on God: omniscience. |
1 Sam. 2:3
God is the God of knowledge. He knows everything.
"Omniscient" means the state of knowing everything.
1 Sam. 16:7; Acts 1:24; 15:8; Rom. 8:27; 1 Cor. 3:20
God knows a man's heart (cf. 1 Ki. 8:39; 2 Ch. 6:30).
1 Ch. 28:9
God searches the heart and understands all the intent of the thoughts
(cf. 2 Ch. 16:9; Heb. 4:12).
Matt. 6:4, 18
God sees the things done in secret.
Heb. 4:13
There is no creature hidden from God's sight.
Matt. 6:32
God knows all our needs.
Matt. 10:29
Nothing happens apart from God's will (cf. Jas. 4:13-16).
Acts 2:23
Jesus was delivered to the Jews to be crucified by the determined
counsel and foreknowledge of God.
Matt. 24:36
No one but God knows the day and hour of judgment.