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Holy Spirit:
Supernatural Gifts
study on the Holy Spirit: supernatural gifts,
Zech. 13:2-3
Zechariah prophesied that a time would come when
all prophesy from God would cease, and all that
would remain would be false prophets.
The time in which all prophesy from God ceases
is only revealed in God's word (Rom. 10:17). We
must go to God's word to learn when the time foretold
by Zechariah would come.
1 Cor. 13:8-13
Paul prophesied that supernatural gifts would
cease when that which was perfect came (1 Cor.
13:10), which is the law
of Christ.
The perfect law of liberty is the law
of Christ (Jas. 1:25).
- Liberty and perfection are in Christ (Gal.
2:4; Col. 1:28). Therefore Christ's law (1 Cor.
9:21; Gal. 6:2) is the perfect law of liberty.
Jesus said that we will be judged by His words
(Jn. 12:48). And, James said that we will be
judged by the law of liberty (Jas. 1:25; 2:12).
Therefore, the words of Christ (spoken by Himself
or through His apostles) constitute the law
of liberty (cf. Gal. 6:2; 2 Jn. 1:9). The law
of Christ and the law of liberty are synonymous.
Since the purpose of miracles was to confirm
the word of God, there is no need for miracles
today since we have the complete revelation of
the word of God (Heb. 2: 1-4).
Acts 8:14-19; 19:5-6
Supernatural power was only passed to a person
by an apostle.
Since all apostles are dead, supernatural gifts
can no longer exist today.
- Since Paul was the last apostle (1 Cor. 15:8;
cf. Acts 1:21-25), there are no apostles on
earth today.
Miraculous gifts creased around the end of the
apostolic period, corresponding to the time when
the complete word of God was revealed.
1 Cor. 12:31; 13:1-13
Paul taught that there is a better way to serve
God than with supernatural gifts (1 Cor. 12:31).
The better way is through faith, hope, and love
(1 Cor. 13:13).
To desire miraculous gifts today is to desire
a worse way of living and serving God.
2 Th. 2:3-12
People who are prophesying today are false prophets,
since we live in the time foretold of by Zechariah.
They are doing fake miracles (2 Th. 2:9), similar
to Simon the sorcerer (Acts 8:9-10), and like
the false prophet (Elymas) who used magic tricks
to deceive people (Acts 13:6-11).
People who follow their teaching are perishing,
because they have not received the love of the
truth so as to be saved (2 Th. 2:10).
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